Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Many of you have asked about the stickers we use for Karsie's monthly pictures.
They are an awesome set from Picky Sticky... and Michelle has a giveaway going on this week at her blog. Check it out and enter to win a set of Picky Sticky stickers!!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
"She's So Cute!!!"
Dear Karsie -
Your mother and I are very aware that parents like to brag about their kids. At some time in your life, we're guessing in about 10 years or so, you will come to the conclusion that we think you're cute because we "have to". We will tell you the stories about how you were such a cute baby and for some strange reason, you will think "Yeah, that's just what all parents think about their kids." So let me just cover my bases now by telling you in just the past day I've had numerous people exclaim how cute you are. Not just your parents saying it - random people coming up and gawking at your adorableness (not sure that's word).
So for the record, it's not just us. I will save this for that special day when you need to hear this.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
More News
Karsie had a doctor's appointment today, which was unexpected. Like we said before, she has been coughing a lot and we've been needing to be attentive to it. A couple of nights ago we went into urgent care because of it. It was not really an emergency, but it was something we needed to have a doctor look at fairly soon and the offices were closed (how dare they?), so we took her in because she couldn't stop coughing. Turns out everything's fine and her lungs are great, but her vocal cords were swollen and were irritating her. She was fast tracked at urgent care and given a breathing treatment to help the swelling. So, no biggy, but we're still watching it. Darn croup.
Because of that, Karsie sounds funny. She's totally happy, but has that raspy voice like she's in the mafia or something. When she giggles it's hilarious! So back to the doctor's appointment...
We went in to check up on her today as we wanted Dr. Suen to look at her. Have we mentioned we love him? The son. Well, we like the dad too, but we see the son. Karsie loves Dr. Suen. She stares at him and makes him giggle at her. We think he likes her a lot...who wouldn't? She checked in at 17 lbs. 4 oz! Woohoo! She's getting close to that sitting up car seat. She may not have to wait until she's 21 after all. She also checked in at 27 inches long.
Other news: We had to change her G-Tube today, which was not fun at all. She has a pressure sore, which we and the doctors knew about, that was aggravated during the change and bled a bit. It wasn't a fun thing to see even though we were expecting it. It's not a fun sight to change the tube either. First of all, Karsie was full. We have to deflate the balloon keeping her tube in, take it out and quickly put the new one back in. During this transition, all the food in her stomach came out and we could see/feel her stomach deflate in that short amount of time. Gross! Anyhow, we got the new one back in and all is well in the land of Turner.
We'll say this for her: She keeps us on our toes!
Monday, May 24, 2010
We're alive and well. The good news for us is that we have been in a fairly rigid routine, which is good for Karsie. The bad news for our blog is that the routine really isn't news, so there's not much to report other than cute pictures and videos.
Karsie has been fighting a bit of a cough lately which comes and goes with the day. Today was the first day that we really noticed her having it all day, so we're watching her pretty close. However, she has strong enough muscles that have developed that she can cough a lot of the "gunk" out much easier than when we had to take her in.
We have a tentative appointment for plastic surgery in October. Seems so far away. In other words, nothing will happen surgically for her until at least then. Maybe if we can compression wrap her then her omphalocele will go in on its own and we will only have one surgery. Any of you know information on where to look or who to talk to about compression wrapping? Like what material was used, how tight to make it, what to expect, a doctor to call? We've been tightly wrapping it with her bandage and it isn't getting bigger, but it's definitely not going back in. Just curious.
We have a slew of appointments the first week in June. We get done with teaching early June, so it'll be nice to be able to be flexible with things. We see our doctors that we missed out on when we had to take Karsie in for her bloated stomach after Easter. Follow up where Children's Hospital measures her growth and strength, neurology, and G.I.
She continues to get cuter. She LOVES our dogs - animals in general actually. They play nicely together.
Until next time....
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
New Goals!
Last week we talked about Karsie having new goals set for her by the occupational therapist. Today we got them along with the news that Karsie has almost reached her developmental age goals. Meaning Karsie is almost where she needs to be for her adjusted age. She's also doing things that are more advanced than her adjusted age.
Our goals are to get her to clap three times on her own, having her pick up and drop objects willfully, having her put objects into a container, reaching up to pull herself up (works with PT as well), and a couple others we can't remember at the time.
We're really blitzing the crawling at home because we can tell Karsie is getting frustrated with not being able to move where she wants to go. Arm strength is the key to our success, so we're having her spend lots of time on the tummy time mat and leaning her onto her hands.
Once we get to Karsie's developmental age goals, we think she will be done with OT. Amazingly that's kind of a bitter sweet thing for us. We are thrilled not to have to have two extra appointments a week, but we will be sad to say goodbye to the wonderful therapists as well as saying goodbye to the awesome help they have given Karsie. But for now, we must work on these goals.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
'Tis the Season to be Allergic
Karsie and Kevin are suffering from the Bakersfield allergy season. Both have been hacking and uncomfortable. If the weather wants to get rid of all of its dust particles and pollen, it will not be too soon.
It's also the time Bakersfield turns from nice weather to mildly uncomfortable to "Holy moly I want to die it's so hot" all in the matter of a couple of weeks. It has hit that mildly uncomfortable stage during the day but fairly nice at night. Soon we will be letting Karsie hang out with just her diaper.
Karsie has been doing lots of cute things lately. She has learned to wave. She has learned to say "Yeah" in sign language thanks to her awesome babysitter. She also has learned to give kisses. All of which are fairly inconsistent, but when she gets on a roll, she knows what to do.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
A Little from Column A, A Little from Column B
Karsie has been experiencing quite a variety of food lately. She has pretty well learned the mechanics of eating/chewing even. In fact, one of the things that we have decided is that she likes the solid foods much better than the puree foods.
A while ago we asked a question on the blog about feeding Karsie and we said we would talk about our decision or something we were working on after all the suggestions you gave. Turns out, we didn't really decide anything. We did a trial run on not feeding her until she took something like a bottle (with a do or die time at 2:00 p.m.). In other words, we skipped her 10:00 a.m. feeding so she would get hungry enough to eat, which she does do when forced. Whatever she didn't take during that time we would absorb during her other feedings throughout the day. The first day was pretty good. She took the bottle and drank about 70% of what she would have to eat. However, the other days did not go so well. She didn't take the bottle at all and we had to cut our losses and feed her at 2:00 anyway so she got her fluids, which proved to be hard because we were giving her the whole day's worth of food in half the time, which made her uncomfortable. So, we shelved that idea.
Michelle has been drinking the special tea (this is being written by Kevin, so I don't know what it's called), eating oatmeal, hydrating herself, etc. in order to increase her milk supply. We're not really sure how it's going because Karsie does like to nurse and she usually empties Michelle, so we hope that it's working.
As far as where we go from here, it really looks like we're just going to have to wait until Karsie is on all solids with breast milk supplements and cut the G-Tube when she eats enough. Good news is that she LOVES solid food. She's been eating puffs like a pig for a while. She absolutely loves avocado and she can handle mangos. She is off and on with yogurt, but she can't get enough cheese (neither can her dad). She also has been introduced to other types of crackers that are kind of like the puffs, but they are bigger so she has to hold them and chew on them. She does very well with that and enjoys it. We're just going to have to wean her off the tube with G.I.'s help. There are other things we have yet to try, and we're still trying the sipee cup, but her interest is there and we may just have to be a little patient.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Karsie's Continual Academic Progress
Yes, you heard it here first: Our daughter is a genius! She has always done well on tests and she has passed yet another.
During her OT appointment today, which turned out to be a grueling hour mixed with physical therapy, she passed all of her goals they had set for her. This means that she is well on her way to the next phase where they will write out new goals for her. We're waiting for a call from Harvard any moment now...
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Karsie's First Words
Karsie's first word was on Mother's Day! What was it?
Ironic little child.
Friday, May 7, 2010
A Milestone Made
We have now had Karsie home longer than she has been in the hospital - even counting the two returns we have had. We continue to be grateful for our little one.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
The title is appropriate, but it will be especially funny to a family member. Karsie LOVED the fish at the aquarium. However, the two ladies to the right of her almost got punched by Michelle. One in particular kept saying, rather loudly, things like: "Look at that baby's belly! It's so BIG. Look, look! It's just so big and enormous!" On the video you can actually hear her say "Look at that kid. Look at the belly on that kid." We're usually tolerant of curiosity because, well, seriously, it's rare you see a baby with Karsie's condition. But this lady had a different tone that brought out Michelle's Mama Bear instinct.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Thank You for the an update
First of all, thank you to those of you who took the time to give us your input on Karsie's feeding situation. We will have more information on what we decided to do in the next day or so, but what we will say today is that we took plenty of advice and we're running with it. We'll see how it goes. There were quite a few things that we left out or didn't clarify on our situation, so we'd like to clarify some of those as well as give you a little picture break with each.
Again, we'll have some information a little later on steps we have decided to take. Like good little scientists we like to have data on a period of time before we post results. Thanks again...
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Food Question for You
Since our last post on the food, Karsie has slowed down quite a bit on the volume of food she consumes. However, the frequency of her feeding has kept up. When we visited the speech therapist she said that Karsie really is going at a normal pace for a "new eater." Therefore, we pretty much will just check in once a month. The only thing we're really looking for is to make sure she doesn't develop an oral aversion and that her interest is there. Eventually the volume should come.
She's doing fairly well on solid foods. She eats rice cereal here and there. Sometimes she just doesn't have an interest, but she usually eats it. Her favorites seem to be apples and sweet potatoes mixed with the rice cereal. She does okay with puffs and she's able to eat them whole.
Here are our problems however: Karsie will NOT take a bottle. We're really not sure what to do with that other than keep trying here and there. Usually this wouldn't be a problem if she nursed real well, but we've run into a supply problem. Michelle is running out. Karsie likes to nurse and would do it more, but Michelle really just doesn't have enough any more to compensate for Karsie's bottle issues. This is normal around this time for many moms, but usually this accompanies good solid food eating as well. We want to wean her off of her G-Tube, but we need to see how much she gets from oral feeding, and with her not taking a bottle and Michelle's milk supply low, that's really hard to do.
Any suggestions on beefing up milk supply or tricks to get a kid to take a bottle?
We know eventually she'll make it up in solid food eating and that will take the place of the milk, but it would make it a little easier (quicker too) to supplement with milk now.
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