A quick update: Tomorrow she goes off TPN providing there are no setbacks. They have power weaned her on her feeding to the point where she will be taken off of it tomorrow. Also, she has taken another small step forward on her breathing as her O2 flow is now at 1 liter. When she is weaned to .5 then 0, they will most likely take her off of the nasal cannula.
Prayer request: This isn't a major concern yet, but Karsie is having some bad reflux lately, especially when she is orally fed. We are a little nervous that she will develop an aversion to the oral feeding as it makes her stomach hurt, but so far it hasn't. We're trying to develop ways to stop that, so we request a little bit of prayer on that. Also, her blood pressure has been a teensie bit high lately. The doctors aren't real concerned about it, but they are watching it. We have a continual prayer request that she does not develop an infection as well. That would set her back quite a bit from all of the progress she has made over the past few weeks. Thank you so much.