Good news: Karsie graduated! The neurologist checked her charts, her reflexes, her vision, hearing, did a few muscle tests, and called it. She's fine. Then he did her head circumference and was dumbfounded. He kept checking the charts and his measurement and said it didn't make sense that her head was small, but given the fact that he only took two measurements it could be anything. Her size is still within the curve for preemies, but it didn't take the same slope as the previous measurement. The good news is that we had G.I. appointments and their measurements that are still connected to the same system to compare.
He was able to see the curve of her growth and he said it follows a good plane. Granted, last month's measurement is the same as the measurement today, but overall it seems to be doing well and he said he was not concerned, especially since she's been meeting all her milestones. Long story short, it really doesn't mean much, but we'll watch it.
Then he said he's good to let her graduate from neurology! Wahoo! Not that these appointments have been anything stressful but it's good not to have one more to go to, and the fact that Karsie is good enough to discontinue neurological services. That's a long way from where we started.
Next up: G.I. We'll be pushing for feeding changes and such, so it'll be interesting. One more...