Monday, December 14, 2009

History of Karsie (12-14-09)

WARNING:  BIRTH FOOTAGE and medical pictures


  1. Great summary! What an amazing journey. And what an amazing God!

  2. Thanks! I mean, I read each phase as you lived it but it's great to have a concise video. God is awesome!

  3. That was a great oral journal and video...thanks so much for the VERY interesting information, putting all the months and days and pictures together. GREAT idea!! Karsie is just beautiful, perfectly perfect. I was so happy to hear the good reports from the recent Dr. visits, especially the neuro and all the fantastic news about her brain function. It was rather obvious from her smiles and activity that things upstairs were working properly, but always good to hear it from the professionals. Praying, praying, praying for consistent, continued improvement, and God's ever-present grace & mercy for His little miracle named Karsie.

  4. LOVE the video! Just like a PBS special....informative and heart warming! What an amazing little gal!

  5. You guys are awesome!!! What a great summary :) This would be perfect to show parents that are going to have a chld with the "O", so they know what to expect(especially since you had all the "worse case senario" Karsie is miracle story from God. Cory

  6. What an amazing miracle. I loved this recap even though I've been following along since she was born.
    I'm so excited for you all to be able to come back to Bakersfield, and I look forward to meeting the three of you!

    Rebecca Street

  7. That was a GREAT summary of what you all have been through together!! I am excited to know what God has in store for that little gal!! May He be praised for her life!!

  8. That was a great video! While I did go back and read your story from the beginning (yeah I'm a little crazy) the video was a nice summary. I loved how you added the video with pictures while you narrated. It was also nice to hear you pronounce Karsie's name as I wasn't sure of the pronunciation (I was saying it right as I read). Been thinking and praying for your family since I found your blog last week. You have a beautiful family!

  9. Karsie cuanto me alegro que hayas dado batalla a esta dificil situacion que paso toda la familia.
    Nosotros somos de Argentina, tuvimos un hijo con Onfalocele llamado Santino, acio el 21 de enero 2009, con higado e intestinos , pero lamentablemente luego de 3 cirugias, a los 2 meses y 10 dias fallecio.
    Hoy estamos esperando a su hermano que ya a esta a punto de nacer, y es nuestro regalo de Dios.
    Eres una gran luchadora!

  10. wow! what a journey! it's great to see that she's doing so well now! best wishes to you all... i'll be following!
