Thursday, January 20, 2011


Hello again.

We have had a hard time with getting pictures to the blog this month. Not because of a blog problem, but we have a space problem. Our computers are full. We've taken too many pictures!!! So needless to say, this blog won't have a picture.

Karsie turned 18 months this week! Where did the time go? We had a brief trip down memory lane the other day. We talked about physical therapy and occupational therepy and wondered what they would think of Karsie now. For their sake, we'll make a list of things she likes to do.

Physical: She loves to RUN. Everywhere. Climbing is coming, but with her big o' belly in the way it's hard for her to get up on things. But stairs or anything else she can get up, she'll do. She squats now and holds her squat when she wants to tinker with something on the ground, which is more that we can say for ourselves.

Occupational: She loves to play patty cake. We have her mark "it" with a T (for Turner) instead of B, and she does it. She loves to push the CD/DVD player button on Kevin's computer. Over...and over....and over. She can work our cell phones more than at a proficient level. In fact, she buys explicit music on Michelle's phone on the store. We're not even sure how she gets on. She loves to feed her baby and give her a bobby (that's a pacifier in Karsiespeak). She also loves to unravel the entire roll of toilet paper in record time.

Karsie just had her first ear infection. We thought it was strep at first, but it was a pretty nasty infection in her left ear. She didn't take a nap the entire day and only wanted to be held to fall asleep. Knowing what we know now, it makes sense that she didn't want to lay down. Poor thing hurt her ears like that. Tonight she has been much better.

So far, normal sick kid stuff. We haven't had any real excitement in a while, which we are praying stays that way (knocking on wood as we type).

Her favorite book so far is Goodnight Gorilla. On each page she can point to the gorilla, elephant, giraffe, the zoo keeper, and the lion. She can't say them, but she can point and calls the gorilla "Gogy." Well, it's time for bed. Hopefully she sleeps the night with her new ear medicine helping her.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy New Year!

We went back to the dates where we seemed to drop off the face of the blog. It all seems to revolve around Karsie walking. Phew! It's been quite the adventure lately. She really likes to find the kitchen utensils and pull them all out of the drawer.

Karsie's interest in food still is strong, but she still is not eating enough. We think we'll fight this battle until we're able to reason with her.

We have been fighting granulation tissue problems. For other kids with G-tubes, this is common, but frustrating. We're trying to cut down on leaking, but granulation tissue kinks the tube and makes more leaking. We've been given silver nitrate to burn off her tissue, but it's a fairly slow process.

In other news, Karsie is running everywhere. We're not sure she knows how to walk anymore. She just goes full speed wherever she goes. She also LOVES to read books. Most nights she pulls out books from her shelf and has us read them to her one by one until we've read them all. Then, she goes for round 2. She's really good at picking out the animals in the book. She also loves guest readers. We've had some visitors over the holiday, and Karsie has been very happy to have them read to her.

We are very happy to have Aunt Mandy back from New Zealand. Karsie is too...