This blog is intended to keep all of you posted on information, updates, and thoughts from the Turner family as we work to bring Karsie into this world. To all who have been supportive through prayer, kind words, and hugs we both want to say "Thank you" from the bottom of our hearts. This has been and will continue to be a very trying time for us and every act of love from you has given us inspiration and strength.
As we get updates and are ready to share we will post as much information as we can. We will also use this as a mini-journal for the future. Maybe it will help other families as they go through the same process we will go through.
We are very aware that this process might not end well, but we know that God is in control and we trust that God will bring us through this. Regardless of the outcome we still feel very blessed to have each other and our family/friends to help us along.
Thank you again for everything. We love you all!
Kevin, Michelle, and Karsie
I'm so glad you guys are doing this blog! We're thinking about you and praying for all 3 of you all the time... And I love you! :)