Saturday, February 6, 2010

Let the Countdown Begin

Pinky is almost complete! Her little "spec" left on her omphalocele has just now completely scabbed over. It was pink and a little gooey for a long time, but it is now hard and crusty. Which means that it's only a matter of time before it falls off and her entire belly will be skin! We think we'll get it in just around her 7 month birthday, but who knows?

Upcoming appointments: March 30th for G.I. doctors and Dr. Saenz (surgery). He'll be happy to see the skin growth. April something or other for Dr. Gossman (plastic surgery - she will be assessing her and announcing whether she is ready or not ready for tissue expanders which is our next step).

Tomorrow is Karsie's dedication at 9:00. All are welcome.


  1. I have followed your story for several months now and today I want to delurk. I want to tell you how happy I am to hear that Pinky has almost come full circle and it's nearing the next phase of Karsie's treatment. Each time I visit your blog I say a prayer. Not necessarily a prayer of healing but a prayer of thanksgiving for how far Karsie has come since this all began. God truly does work miracles and we have seen that unfold in Karsie's and your lives. I admire you for the stamina you have shown through all you have endured and look forward to continuing to follow your journey with Karsie and her continued success in overcoming her birth defect with the style and grace she has shown.
    You have a beautiful, wonderful baby.

  2. Yay Pinky! That's wonderful news and how exciting for her dedication :) Have a wonderful celebratory weekend. Also let me know if you want to update her button and which picture you'd like to use :) She's a much bigger girl than she was in the original picture. :)

  3. Alright for hard and crusty! :) And enjoy sad we won't be there to celebrate with you at her dedication! Know we will be there in spirit and thinking of you all at 9! :) Hugs to you 3!
