Saturday, October 10, 2009

Some Good Some Bad

Let's start with the bad news:  Karsie lost weight last night.  After two really good gaining days, she lost a good 45 grams.  Hopefully she will just gain like 70 tonight and we'll be back on track, but unfortunately this seems to be her trend.  We have a couple theories on this.  First of all, she could just be needing more calories per ounce to manage her amazing skin growth.  She is tolerating the 25 cal/oz much better this time, so we hope if she has to go up that she will do okay.  We also think there's a possibility that the 25 cals is too nutrient dense and there's a possibility it's just going right through her and she's not getting as much.  In other words the two days of good weight gain were residual from the 24 cal/oz and now her body isn't getting what it needs.  This is less likely, but we wonder.  The plan is to give her a couple days of watching and then reevaluate.  We're a little bummed about all of this as it was looking like home was just around the corner, but there's good news to go with all of this.

Good news:  Let's start with her oral feeding.  In the past few days Karsie has really picked it up with the amount of food she takes orally.  She took about 50 mL from Michelle's breast last night and 45 mL from the bottle from Ruth.  Her average we would say has been about 15-20, but in the past couple weeks she has probably averaged in the 30's with some days being like yesterday when she is eating much more.  We still need her to gain weight, but this could mean a much shorter time on the ng tube.  

Moving on with the good news.  Pinky looks awesome!  We've talked about her skin growth (which is also probably a cause for her lack of weight gain) and how it's thickening and getting to the point where it will be completely skin soon, but we have not said that it is getting a bit smaller.  Her body seems to be accepting her organs, and while it has not been confirmed by a professional, we have noticed a significant loss in Pinky's height.  Her organs are moving and changing its shape, almost daily, but it really seems to be decreasing in size.  We've started to measure it, so when we get a few weeks in we'll have some good data to put on here.

Developmentally, Karsie is doing so well.  She is getting so good at smiling lately, which is right in the zone for her gestational age.  Also, she is moving her head all around, she's showing neck strength, she moves her arms and legs around, she focuses...lots of good things all around.  

Now...let's get growing girl!!!  It's time to come home!


  1. come home karsie, come home!!!

  2. I like all the good news!
    Even the bad news isn't so awful, and being a bit bummed seems GREAT compared to being desperately worried....yeah?
    I loved seeing her smile!
    I cannot imagine how wonderful that is for you two, for the entire family.....
    She smiles, she eats, she breathes on her own....Pinky is getting smaller, skin is growing, she is heading home in the not too distant future!
    For heavens sakes, arrange a special date night soon....last chance...She's going to get the hang of gaining weight!!
    I am looking forward to the blog saying you wish you could get out of the house more often...but cannot, as you have to be there for little, darling, beautiful, wonderful, Karsie.

    Love, Jen.
