Saturday, August 15, 2009

Update (8-15)

We took a little break from the blog. Sorry. We're back.

Karsie is still looking real good. Her vitals are still looking about the same. She is still being switched from nasal cannula to the CPAP and doing well on both, but she's getting annoyed with the CPAP. She has also been a little more fussy, which all of the nurses are pretty certain means she just wants to be held. We're giving it another day and then we're going to start to push being much more involved with her cares. We want to start to learn or get trained on how to take care of her. We are her parents remember.

She is up to 3 mL of breast milk an hour now and down to 9 mL of TPN. Her patch is looking better and better. The granulation is getting lighter and lighter which starts to look like skin. We did get to quasi-hold her tonight as we just got our arms under her and her head and held her up. That calmed her down from a fussy moment. It's time to hold.

1 comment:

  1. As you are her only , very present, present parents, I do not know how anyone should need to be reminded!
    But yes, go for it! join in as much as possible!
    Learn additional stuff and do whatever you can do!
    You are her parents, and have a big team of experts behind you every step of the way.
    I am sure they want you doing as much as you can do, and being there as much as you can be!
    Go team Karsie!

    Love, Jen xxx
