Thursday, June 25, 2009

Visual Visit


  1. Nice to know Karsie's dad is the Kevinator. Too funny. You look so sad Michelle....but hey!-no nasty hospital robe! Glad you get to wear your own clothes!


  2. YEAH!! That was such a treat... after 24 hours, if you are stable, you are allowed to wear your own "lounge" type clothes! They are very supportive on this wing because most of the people here are here for long term stays... some as long as 3-4 months of their pregnancy! And it is only pregnant ladies. But yeah... my clothes make me happier!

  3. Glad to hear clothes are making you happy! :) Any news on when you might get out?

  4. I was driving from slc to eugene for the past two days and going crazy with not knowing how everyone was doing at the hospital. I'm glad to be back in circulation.
