Sunday, May 31, 2009

Thank You SNC

We want to thank our brothers and sisters at SNC for the "send off" yesterday.  After the sermon was finished (awesome job by the way, Jason!) we were called up by Pastor Joe and prayed over by the whole church.  We're pretty sure that anyone who was not aware of our special situation thought that we were just going down to San Diego for kicks and probably thought we wanted prayer because we were going to miss SNC (which we are), but we still are very appreciative of the prayer.  Karsie was too as she kicked everyone that touched Michelle's belly during the prayer.  We'll see you guys in a few months!  

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing you all are. We love you and cannot WAIT to meet little Karsie! God is with you, and so are we in our hearts and spirits, and prayer!
    Tim and Tammy Marvin
